photo by fourty4creative.com
Tillandsia A.K.A. air plants don't require soil to grow. They get their nutrients from the air and water. In the wild, Tillandsia use their roots to attach themselves to trees and rock surfaces, and are therefore epiphytes. In the home, you can rest the plants on a surface, mount them on to driftwood, or hang them by their roots on a sting. Air plants propagate by producing pups (their babies), which can be left to form a cluster or removed once half the size of the mother.
Tillandsia like to have lots of bright indirect light. However, any direct sun beside early morning, will be to harsh. As a general rule, keep air pants within six feet of a window. You can supplement with artificial light if needed. Try to keep them between 50 and 90 degrees.
There are two common methods for watering Tillandsia: misting and soaking. Either way use room temperature dechlorinated water and water in the morning so the plants can dry before night. Tillandsia take water and nutrients through their leaves rather than there roots, so if misting be sure to wet leaves thoroughly once a week. If soaking, fully submerge for an hour max once every two weeks.
In nature, Tillandsia are found mostly in tropical regions, where they absorb humidity and rainfall. They tend to hang upside down so that water will not collect in their leaves. If water gets trapped between their leaves or they sit in water to long, it will cause them to rot. After either watering method be sure to gently shake them off and dry upside down. When dry return them to their usual place.
-- Like most plants, they prefer to stay in the same general area as they get use to their environment.
-- Tillandsia enjoy good circulation to receive fresh nutrients from the air.
-- Fertilize Tillandsia once monthly with a heavily diluted bromeliad fertilizer in the water.
-- Avoid getting buds and flowers wet, as this will shorten the flowering period. Mist around them.